Friday, October 24, 2014


Part 1: 
I really enjoyed the movie Glory mainly because of its historical value. Choosing Denzel Washington as Private Trip was the perfect choice. His character made a lasting impression with his negativity and aggressiveness. He was one of the few characters who really stood by his "African-American" ways and didn't try to mold himself into acting like the "White Man". I really love the way they portrayed the bravery of the 54th regiment and no matter how they were treated along the way they stayed positive and kept their eye on the initial objective. Lasting impression would have to be when Col. Robert Gould Shaw fought to the death with his regiment, this scene meant a lot to me simply because at the beginning of the movie he had very little respect for the African-Americans but as time went on he realized that these men were here to get the same job done as him. 

Part 2:
 I honestly can't wrap my head around why people are willing to go and fight/die for our Country simply because I wouldn't. I only say that because I'm actually terrified of war and i've lost siblings due to that fact that they wanted to be brave and go out and serve for our Country. The people that go out to serve for our country are extremely brave and truly Americans. I do feel that the men of the 54th regiment were heroes. They proved themselves to be completely capable of doing the same job as white men. Yes I would consider Col. Shaw a hero but it would have been better or left a lasting impression if had been that dedicated to his regiment from the beginning. But in the end is a hero because he gave these men equal opportunity and fought to the death with them. 

Part 3: 
The leadership of the 54th at Fort Wagner proved to everyone that these men they thought were stupid or incapable were brave and stronger than others fighting in the war.  It showed that they deserve an equal opportunity and are capable of the same, if not willing to do more, than the rest of the white soldiers.

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